Reality is This

Reality is This

Reality is This Poem [Wild and Winding]


Reality is this!
We’ve been doing it all morning,
Blossoming aliveness into time.


What if this moment lacks nothing?
What if we touch into the miracle aliveness right now?
What if we notice effortlessness in existence?

The more simple our needs, the more spontaneously we meet them. It’s not work to get up to pee when you really have to go. It’s a necessity and the body obliges. It’s the thinking about things, the dreading, the planning for innumerable variables and possibilities that is exhausting.

Notice that this being alive thing, you’ve been doing it spontaneously all along.

Yes, there are times of struggle, and in depression it feels like there is nothing else, but at the same time, a seed sprouts and drives its tender stem toward the sun, a rabbit surrenders its life to the fox and her cubs, and your own breath cycles in and out, its merry-go-round of sensation, all by itself, effortless.